Littlehampton Cutting Tools (LCT) is backed by staff most with over 40 years of experience in the sharpening of metal cutting circular saw blades (HSS) and TCT saw blades for cutting all types of materials. We also sharpen all cutting tools for metal and wood cutting.
We provide an extensive range of saw blades for both metal and wood sawing along with cutting tools and machinery for all types of materials. These are supplied via our van service, overnight freight or FedEx.
All our saw sharpening is done on the latest CNC and Robotic CNC sharpening equipment enabling us to sharpen all types of blades and cutting tools to the highest standards. We have recently added an Anca CNC for end mills and slot drills and a Walter Helitronic for special tooling and profiling.
If you would like to order any of our products or to discuss with us further, please contact us on: 01903 738630 or email us: info@lct-saws.co.uk